Air Conditioning Installation in Ballwin, MO | HVAC Near Me

Ballwin, MO Air Conditioning Installation

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The Signs That Your Air Conditioner Is Dying

It’s not abnormal to need an air conditioner repair during the summer months. Now and again, air conditioners get stressed out for constantly working in the hot heat. Calling a licensed and experienced HVAC technician to make repairs will usually solve the problem. However, if you’ve had multiple air conditioning repairs that have not helped, it’s likely that your air conditioner is dying. 

These are the most common signs that it’s time to consider an air conditioner replacement: 

    • Your Air Conditioner Is Over 10-15 Years Old. While not all older air conditioners need to be replaced, it is important to have an HVAC technician inspect your unit to see if it is still working efficiently.
    • Your Energy Bills Are Rising. If you notice that your energy bills are higher than usual, it could be a sign that your air conditioner is not working as efficiently as it once did.
    • Your Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling Your Home Evenly. If you notice that some rooms in your home are cooler than others, it could be a sign that your air conditioner is not working properly.
    • Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking Water or Refrigerant. Leaking water or refrigerant can be a safety hazard and can also drive up your utility bills.
    • High Humidity In Your Home. High indoor humidity is often a sign that your air conditioner is failing or leaking refrigerant. 

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to call Chesterfield Service to have your air conditioner inspected. They will be able to tell you if your air conditioner needs to be replaced and can help you choose the right unit for your needs.

How to Choose The Right Air Conditioner for Your Ballwin, MO Home

While you may not want to live in a sweltering home throughout the summer, if you want to save money on an air conditioner, waiting until the off-season is the best time to shop for a new cooling system. During the summer, new AC units are in high demand. This makes the price and the wait time to have one installed increase. It’s smart to wait until the fall to replace your air conditioner. Then, if you do have to wait for it to be installed, the temperature will be more likely to be comfortable without an air conditioner, so it won’t be as torturous to go without it.  While your budget is probably at the forefront of your AC buying process, there are other factors to consider as well.

One of the most important factors is the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating, which measures the efficiency of the unit. The higher the SEER rating, the better the energy efficiency, but often higher the price tag. 

Additionally, it’s important to consider the size of your home when choosing a new air conditioner. You want a unit that’s large enough to cool all of the rooms but not so big that it creates hot spots or inconsistent cooling. Make sure you hire a professional HVAC company like Chesterfield Service to install your new unit correctly. Poor installation can lead to reduced efficiency and a shorter system lifespan. Our experienced team can perform a Manual J calculation to determine the correct size for your Ballwin home to ensure the longevity of your new air conditioner. 

Another important factor to consider is the noise level of the air conditioner. You don’t want it to be so loud that it distracts you from your work or keeps you awake at night. We recommend choosing a unit with a decibel level of 50 to 60.

Lastly, you should think about indoor air quality and consider add-ons like air cleaners, dehumidifiers, and air purifiers. Our heating and cooling team can help you choose the best options to provide clean air for you, your family, pets, and friends.

Financing From Chesterfield Service Makes A New AC Unit More Obtainable

At Chesterfield Service, we understand that investing in a new air conditioner can be a significant expense, but we believe that everyone deserves a high-quality cooling system in their Ballwin, MO home. That’s why we offer various discounts, coupons, and knowledge of manufacturer and government rebates that can make a new air conditioner more affordable.

In addition, we provide flexible financing options to make a new cooling system more accessible. We can help you break down the cost of your air conditioner into small monthly payments, so you can enjoy the cool air in your home without delay. We offer financing options through Wells Fargo and GreenSky, and our team can assist you in determining whether you qualify. Contact us today to learn more.

Schedule an Appointment For An AC Installation Estimate Today

The team at Chesterfield Service is here to help our friends and neighbors in Ballwin, MO with the best air conditioning installation services available. We have the experience and certifications to ensure proper installation to meet your needs. Start with an air conditioning inspection from one of our team members and we can give you an honest assessment of your cooling system. You can also count on us to provide you with second opinions and estimates for a new air conditioning system. Schedule an appointment with Chesterfield Service today.